Meet the Author

Scott Froyen

A graduate of the University of Northern Iowa, Scott started his career as a certified public accountant at KPMG. He spent the bulk of his thirty-three-year career in the health insurance industry as a leader in the areas of finance, operations, and sales. Upon retirement, he planned to play tennis, do some volunteer work, and play the drums in a rock cover band. But, one day while walking his dogs, he felt called to do something else—something more. He published the book, sAint Me?! – A Practical Guide to Building and Living Your Personal Plan Toward Sainthood a year later.

As an outgrowth of the support received for the book, together with his spouse Melanie, they founded The Saint Builder Foundation. Their desire is to work to improve the state of the world one person at a time, starting with themselves. In this context the word “saint” represents a person who is striving to be their best for the benefit of others. They dream of a world filled with striving saints working together to revive heaven on earth.

Scott and Melanie met at a disco on a New Year’s Eve and were married a year later on a leap-year day. They have two children, three grandchildren, and a dog. Scott played collegiate tennis and has continued competing to this day. He played the drums in rock cover bands for many years. Check out his A Day in the Life of a Bar Band Drummer video in the Sandbox to understand why he gave it up.

Scott has volunteered for many organizations over the years, including LifeServe Blood Center and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, both in Des Moines, Iowa. He and Melanie enjoy living the Playground Heaven life through their volunteer activities, daily workouts, dog walks, bike rides, tennis, and pickleball.

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